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A Wow Lecture on Thanksgiving
Click:   Source:International Exchange Center

It is on Tuesday evening November 24,2015, over 100 students from different departments of Lijiang College, were seated at Room 1503, listening the lecture " American Thanksgiving Day "given by American teacher, Julius.

At the beginning of the lecture, Julius introduced the brief history of Thanksgiving Origins and talked about the friendship of Pilgrims and Wampanoags .Everyone was very interested in turkey chicken and wanted to go to America to try local Turkey chicken!

On this day people will get together with their family, eating desert and watch the football game.

It’s President Abraham Lincoln who made Thanksgiving Day a national holiday. People will take some time to stop and think or reflect on the things you are thankful for in their life.

Some students stayed even the lecture was over. They wanted to know more about the Thanksgiving Day. What a wonderful evening!

上一篇:The Chinese Department and Foreign Languages Department Held The Preparation Meeting 下一篇:The vice director Chen Xuanwen gave a lecture to the students of Lijiang College


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